menopause treatment options

Managing Menopause Means Treating Symptoms

Hormone Replacement
As Nurse Practitioners, we can prescribe any hormone replacement regimen, whether oral or vaginal, that a client needs. We schedule ample time to discuss risks and benefits of taking exogenous hormones, and/or other medications that have been shown to reduce hot flashes, and can also recommend many natural ways to reduce hot flashes.

Vaginal Discomfort
Decreasing vaginal discomfort is a high priority, and we can help with that in a variety of ways. We can prescribe medications to be used vaginally to help with the genitourinary symptoms of menopause such as dryness, burning, itching, and discomfort or pain with intercourse. We also offer treatment with the MonaLisa Touch SmartXide laser, which creates tiny thermal injuries to the vaginal mucosa to stimulate new cell growth and rejuvenate those tissues to be more like they were before menopause.

Urinary Incontinence
We can help with urinary incontinence in several ways. Our pelvic floor physical therapist can help strengthen clients’ pelvic floors through neuro-muscular retraining and strengthening exercises. The MonaLisa Touch has also demonstrated amazing results at decreasing or eliminating many women’s stress incontinence, because of the way in which it thickens the vaginal walls through the regrowth of the tissue.

Women are at greater risk for osteoporosis after menopause, and we schedule ample time to discuss the risks and benefits of medications to prevent or treat osteoporosis, and to discuss lifestyle changes that can keep your bones and muscles as healthy and strong as possible.